Procare Software Alternative For Speed, Excellence, and Dependability
With MyKidReport, you have the opportunity to elevate parental contentment and improve the efficiency of your childcare center. Unlike Procare software, this advanced platform simplifies and brings together all operational elements in a seamless manner.
Procare Software Pricing (costing)

Procare is a software for managing childcare centers that offers features such as attendance tracking, billing and invoicing, parent portal, reporting and statistics, and more.

The pricing for Procare starts from $69 per month, and it offers three different plans: Essential, Business, and Growth. The pricing may vary depending on the number of features, integrations, and users.

This feature provides a user-friendly application for both teachers and parents. Teachers can use it to communicate important updates, share progress 
First, what are your needs?

When choosing childcare software for your preschool, consider what your preschool needs. If you're planning just a few tests each month or want to improve a couple of things, you might not need a fancy software. But if you have many tests or they're quite complex, a powerful software like MyKidReports could be useful.

Also, think about if you want to personalize your preschool's website. If you're new to tests, focus on that first before thinking about personalization. Big preschools with lots of kids might benefit from software like MyKidReports, offering advanced features.

If you're unsure, don't worry. We're here to help you decide. We've helped other schools like yours find the right software. Feel free to ask us for help in choosing the best software for your preschool.

What are the alternatives to Brightwheel?

Looking for alternatives to MyBrightwheel? Let me introduce you to MyKidReports, the perfect tool for your needs.

MyKidReports offers a comprehensive suite of features comprehensive suite of features designed to cater to your childcare management needs. From attendance tracking and daily reports to seamless communication with parents, Streamlines the entire process. Its user-friendly interface ensures that you can effortlessly manage your preschool's operations without any hassle.

Why is MyKidReports Different from Procare Software?

MyKidReports and Procare both are preschool management software designed for managing preschool centers. But MyKidReports stands out from Procare Software by providing additional important features that are not available on the Procare Software.

Unbeatable Pricing

MyKidReports offers an unbeatable price, each school can be able to afford our pre-school management program. Our pricing started at $9 per month. All the advanced features can be used by you, unlike other preschool software with limited features.

Your Preschool Website

MyKidReports provides a valuable daycare website builder feature that enables you to effortlessly create your own customized websites for your preschool. With this tool, you can establish a unique online identity for your preschool.

Marketing your Preschool

MyKidReports offers childcare centers a powerful tool to enhance their marketing strategies. By utilizing the marketing automation feature, centers can streamline and simplify their marketing efforts. Centers can easily post captivating images and videos to multiple social media platforms.

Easy to use
Use mykidreports MyKidsReport and activities in the classroom, and parents get real-time updates delivered to their mobile devices throughout the day.
What will you get with MyKidReports?
With MyKidReports, you gain access to a myriad of invaluable features for your preschool, Prioritizing User-Friendliness, Swift Setup, Exceptional Support, and Product Enhancement.
MyKidReports VS. Procare Software Comparison Chart
Procare Software
Billing & Invoices

Communication Management

Enrollment Management

Attendance Tracking

Teacher and Parent App

Live Phone and Chat Support

Lead Management and Insights

Curriculum Management

Check-In & check-out

Staff Scheduling

Mobile App Payments

Marketing Automation

Directory Listing


Your Preschool’s Website

Parent Portal

Calendar Management

Meal Nutrition Management

Unlimited Staff Members

Waitlist Management

Ready to get started?

Try 30-day free Trials of our Simple, Effective, and modern Preschool Management Tool.
No Credit Card is Required and No Contract.

MyKidReports Key features

1. Teacher & Parent App:
This feature provides a user-friendly application for both teachers and parents. Teachers can use it to communicate important updates, share progress reports, and engage parents in their child's learning journey. Parents can access the app to stay informed about their child's activities, view assignments, and communicate directly with teachers, fostering a collaborative educational environment.

2. Marketing Tools:
The marketing tools offer a set of resources to promote your childcare facility effectively. This can include features like customizable templates for brochures, flyers, and online advertisements. It enables you to create compelling campaigns, showcase your center's unique offerings, and attract potential parents and guardians.

3. Billing & Invoices:
This feature automates the billing and invoicing process, simplifying financial management for both parents and the childcare center. It generates accurate invoices, tracks payment statuses, and provides a transparent overview of fees and charges. This streamlined approach helps in maintaining efficient financial operations.

4. Online Registration:
Online registration eliminates the need for manual paperwork and enables parents to enroll their children conveniently through a digital platform. This feature guides parents through the registration process, collects essential information, and securely stores data, reducing administrative workload and enhancing the registration experience.

5. Daily Activity Reports:
Daily activity reports offer insights into a child's daily experiences and achievements. Teachers can document activities, milestones, and notable moments throughout the day. Parents can access these reports to stay connected with their child's development and understand their educational journey in detail.

6. Attendance Tracking:
Attendance tracking digitally records the presence of children in your childcare facility. It provides a real-time overview of attendance patterns and helps manage attendance records accurately. This feature is particularly useful for ensuring child safety and for complying with attendance regulations.

7. Staff Management:
Optimize staff coordination and performance. Efficiently manage staff schedules, roles, and responsibilities. Centralized staff management ensures smooth operations, effective allocation of tasks, and proper staffing ratios, ultimately contributing to a high-quality childcare environment.

Designed with You in Mind

Preschool owners can manage everything from child enrollment to staff management, waitlist management, and automated billing with MyKideeports.
With MyKideeports' fully integrated mobile app preschool directors can manage everything from staff management to waitlist management.
Teachers have many benefits, they can monitor each child’s performance, activity, health, meals, and daily reports. And communicate with parents at any time.
Parents can track their child's growth and be in contact with teachers at any time. Not only parents, but even family members can also communicate with teachers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are marketing automation tools for preschools?

Marketing automation tools for preschools are software programs designed to automate and streamline various marketing tasks and activities, such as email campaigns, social media management.

How reliable is MyKidReports?

MyKidReports aimed to provide a dependable and user-friendly solution for childcare management. They offered features such as attendance tracking, daily reports, messaging between parents and caregivers, and more. The reliability of any software can vary based on individual experiences, technical support, and updates provided by the company.

Is it possible to oversee the scheduling of staff across multiple centers?

Absolutely, with MyKidReports, you can effortlessly manage staff scheduling across one or more preschools. This means you won't have to invest in separate software solutions for each individual preschool.

What are the benefits of using marketing automation tools for preschools?

Employing marketing automation tools in preschools yields a host of advantages. These encompass time and resource conservation, heightened operational efficiency and precision, enriched customer interaction and loyalty, as well as elevated marketing performance and return on investment (ROI).

How long will it take to elevate my Childcare?

You can elevate your childcare learning in just 10-Minutes!!

  1. Register Your Childcare
  2. Setup Children / Staff / Classrooms
  3. Create a branded website for your childcare business
  4. Boost enrollments with marketing tools that are built-in
  5. Build Engagement with Parents