Top-Rated Software for Childcare Centers

Choose the #1 software for child care centers to streamline operations, increase parent engagement, and improve child development in one place.

Benefits of MyKidReport’s Software For Childcare Centers
Enhance Your Childcare Communication Efficiency:

MyKidsReports Childcare Center Management Software allows real-time updates and messaging between parents and teachers, enhancing parent engagement and trust.
Our platform helps parents and teachers to connect instantly, delivering timely updates and enabling seamless messaging, all at your fingertips.

Simplified Record-Keeping:

Digitize your daily reports, attendance, and health records, reducing paperwork and administrative burden. You can use the software to track and manage student attendance electronically. Teachers also can track the progress of students and analyze them.

Curriculum Planning:

It is tough when it comes to lesson planning and activity planning for preschools, But with MyKdReports, teachers can design lessons in advance to save valuable time. And can utilize that time to manage other things, that is, nurturing children with love.

Secure Data Storage:

MyKidReports’s Cloud-based software ensures data security and easy accessibility, removing physical storage hassles. MyKidReports provides a role-based access system so that no one can steal the private data of families.

Automated Billing & Invoicing:

With the software you can create bills, keep track of payments, sending out reminders for due payments, handling extra charges for late payments, and ensuring all financial records are correct and up-to-date.

Parental Involvement

MyKidReports Software Provides parents with insights into their child's day, fostering a strong home-school connection. Parents can easily access the app and can talk to teachers at any time, to take the information about child’s progress.

Who Can Take Benefits From MyKidReports?
Owners & Directors

  • The MyKidReports mobile app gives daycare managers, and owners complete control over all aspects of their operations.
  • The MyKidReports app includes child enrollment, staff management, waitlist supervision, and even automating billing processes.
  • A significant advantage of MyKidReports is the ability to create the own websites, which provides direct access to enrollment tracks right in the admin panel.


  • MyKidReports Software for Childcare Centers enables parents to maintain direct communication with the childcare at any time they choose.
  • Parents can keep an eye on their little one's daily happenings and even chat with the teachers, and Family members can also get in touch with the kids.
  • Parents can receive real-time updates about their child's activities, ensuring they never miss a precious moment in their child's life.


  • Teachers can monitor each child's progress, activities, health, food consumption, and provide daily reports.
  • Teachers can initiate communication with parents whenever required, making the process of parent-teacher interaction seamless and practical.

Our Key Features For Preschool Owners
Why Every Childcare Center Needs Our MyKidReports?

We provide a comprehensive range of solutions specifically designed for childcare administrators to effectively manage their operations. What sets us apart from our competitors are three unique solutions that are currently unavailable in the market.

Unbeatable Price

MyKidReports is to offer unparalleled prices for our childcare software, setting us apart from any other competitors in the market. We deeply understand childcare providers' difficulties, so we have developed a comprehensive platform that fulfills all your requirements at an affordable price of $9 for all plans.

Integrated Website For your Childcare Center

MyKidReports offers a drag-and-drop website feature that allows you to create your own personalized website effortlessly. This feature empowers you to give your childcare a distinctive identity so that you can present your preschool the way you want.

Marketing Solutions of your Childcare

MyKidReports provides a marketing automation feature as well. And through marketing automation, centers can effectively handle their marketing tasks, including sending promotional emails and creating captivating social media posts to attract new customers.

What Our Clients Say About Us

MyKidReports is a smart solution for Preschools. It helps me increase my day-to-day productivity by using automated billing, easy online admission, quick communication, and real-time child assessment report. It truly gives me everything I need to manage and increase enrollments.

Sue B.
Endless Opportunities for Children

MyKidReports helps students, staff, and parents stay connected with complete transparency. It is easy to use, cost-effective, and has all the smart features we need to easily manage our staff & students.

Truly value for money platform.

Jessica M.
Columbus Preschool

Ready to get started?

Try 30 Days Free Trial of our Simple, Effective & Modern Preschool management Tool.

*No Credit Card Required | *No Contract

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use MyKidReports software for my childcare center?

Implementing MyKidReports software for your childcare center can save you time and reduce errors by automating administrative tasks. It also improves communication between staff and parents, ensures compliance with regulations, enhances the safety and security of children, and provides better organization and planning tools. On top of that, MyKidReports gives a 30-day free trial to all pricing plans.

How does MyKidReports's childcare software helps to improve communication with parents?

MyKidReports includes features allowing direct communication with parents, such as messaging systems or portals for updates. Parents can be informed about their child's daily activities, progress, meal information, etc.

Is MyKidReports childcare software secure?

MyKireports is a reputable childcare software, designed with security and privacy in mind, Data will always be secure.

Can I access the childcare software from anywhere?

Yes, MyKidReports’s Software for Childcare Centers is cloud-based, which means it can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. This makes it convenient for staff and parents to access important information from anywhere, anytime.

Are there any contracts to be on MyKidReports?

We provide a month-to-month and yearly subscription without any long-term contract. Your payment method will be automatically charged every month on the same day each month. You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription at any time without incurring any penalties.