#1 childcare billing software

Streamline childcare billing and get paid faster

A billing software that automatically bills you, offers flexible payment options - simpler than anything else

REPLACE - Quickbooks, Paypal, Freshbooks

Watch how it works

Let's see how can streamline your billing?

Everything you need to make billing a breeze

Automated Invoices

  • Streamlined invoice management with categorized tabs for easy tracking. 
  • Customizable sorting options enhance access and organization. 
  •  User-friendly interface with intuitive navigation and visual aids. 
  •  Automated invoicing process ensures timely billing and accurate record
Collect Payments

  • Real-time payment status tracking with categorized tabs for Completed, Pending, Failed, and Processing.
  • Customizable sorting and filtering by Name, Payment Type, Payment Method, and Accounts.
  • User-friendly dashboard with intuitive design and color-coded status indicators.
Account Settings

  • Send SMS alerts, and reminders to individuals, classrooms, or the entire room.
  • View comprehensive billing details including frequency, amount due, due date, and account balance. 
  • Simplifies payments for parents and reduces administrative workload. 
  • Quickly identify and address overdue accounts with specific filters.

"I wish someone had told me about MykidReports earlier! If you're on the fence or still searching for the perfect solution, stop right now and sign up for MykidReports immediately. You won't regret it, and you'll be thanking me later for pointing you in the right direction!"

Enjolie B.

Director of Endless Opportunity Childcare

Collect more revenue, faster
See how Mykidreports can help your childcare business improve collections

Frequently asked questions

1. How do families pay their bill?
Families can conveniently pay their bill through the MyKidReports mobile app or via the desktop version. This flexibility allows them to manage their payments from anywhere at any time. Additionally, families have the option to enable autopay, which will automatically debit their outstanding balance at each billing period. This feature helps ensure timely payments and reduces the hassle of manual bill paying.
2. How do families get notified about new charges and overdue balances?
Families are promptly notified every time a new charge is added to their account through both email and app notifications. This dual notification system ensures that families are always aware of any new charges or changes to their balance. Furthermore, automatic late balance reminders can be set up to notify families on a regular basis if their balance remains unpaid. These reminders help maintain clear communication and encourage timely payments, reducing the chances of overdue balances.
3. Can I change my payment plan mid-year?
Yes, it is quite straightforward to edit payment plans even in the middle of the year. You can easily add or remove installments, adjust discount amounts, and even change the total amount due. This flexibility allows you to accommodate changes in family circumstances or other factors that may arise during the year. With just a few clicks, you can make these adjustments, ensuring that the payment plan remains suitable and manageable for both the families and the center.
4. Can I add discounts to specific families?
Absolutely, every child's payment plan is fully customizable to meet individual needs. You can apply or remove discounts at any time during the year, providing flexibility to offer financial relief or incentives to specific families as needed. This feature allows you to tailor the payment experience to better support the families at your center, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the discounts you offer.
5. Can I require autopay at my center?
Yes, you have the option to enable a mandatory autopay setting, which will automatically enroll all families into autopay. By doing this, you eliminate the need to chase payments, as the system will automatically debit the required amounts at each billing period. This ensures that payments are always collected on time, reducing administrative burden and improving cash flow management for your center.
6. Can families add credit to their account?
Yes, families have the option to add credit to their account. If they pay more than their current balance, the excess amount will be credited to their account. This credit can be used to offset future charges, providing a convenient way for families to manage their payments and maintain a positive balance. This feature is particularly useful for families who prefer to pay in advance or those who may receive financial assistance that exceeds their current obligations.